Baby Room

Toddler Room

Pre-School Room

The Baby Room caters for up to eight babies, aged from

3 months to 2 years.

They have a play room with a

dress up area, story corner and

free play space

The babies have a separate changing area and quiet sleep room.

They also have access to the outside space and room for messy play.

The Toddler Room caters for

13 children

over 2 years old.


It is a large room made up of special areas - small world area, numbers and letters, home area, construction, and dress up.

There is an adjacent quiet room for story corner and nap time

They have access to messy play and the outside play space to help their gross motor skills

Baby Room

Key Workers

Your child will be assigned a key worker as soon as they start at nursery, and we encourage families to interact with their child’s key worker as much as possible, to pass on information and talk about your child’s development.

Your child’s key worker will be your main point of contact and will spend as much time as possible with your child helping them to ‘settle in’; they will keep track of your child’s progress by observing them and taking note of their milestones.

 These observations will then be placed in a Learning Journal and linked into the Early Years Foundation Phase. The key worker will then write a Next Step of what they would like to do to help your child strengthen that achievement and progress further. You are welcome to look at this work at any time. Please feel free to make an appointment to see your child’s key worker for a Parent’s Evening, we encourage this as it is always in the best interest of the child.

About us

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Toddler Room Pre-school

The Pre School Room caters for

11 children

over 3 years old.


 There is a play area, a home corner, craft and writing area, quiet area with a book corner and a IT station.

 The classroom is equipped with more advanced resources to help prepare them for the move to school, for part-time school and after school club.